Wallscape Collection


Ebullience , according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is described as the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings.

Ebullience is a part of Calliope Design Inc.’s Wallscape Collection, a collection of designs for larger scale wall art décor. It accentuates many styles such as modern, minimalistic, or even industrial décor. In this hospitality example shown, a well-crafted interior using art as a focal point is sure to highlight the importance of ambiance. It’s sure to spark intrigue and conversations amongst patrons elevating their overall experience. Something they are sure to come back for more.

Ebullience art concept was submitted in a design competition. The intended medium output for the competition was vitreous glass mosaic. Out of 850 participants of artisan designers, I received an Honorable Mention.

Services Carried Out: Art direction and design

SIZE: 8 ft. x 8 ft. or smaller

MEDIUM: The two intended medium outputs for Wallscape Art Décor are: (1) Glass mosaic laid out in a regular pattern of tesserae called, opus regulatum (2) Digitally printed wall covering.

LOCATION: Bespoke art synergistically designed to reflect you, your style and space.


8 ft. x 8 ft. or smaller


The two intended medium outputs for Wallscape Art Décor are: (1) Glass mosaic laid out in a regular pattern of tesserae called, opus regulatum (2) Digitally printed wall covering.


Bespoke art synergistically designed to reflect you, your style and space.

Photo of Ebullience design concept of vibrant women dancing shown as a mosaic wall art installation in restaurant environment. Designed by Caryn Mitchell, Calliope Design Inc.
Photo of original design concept for the wall art covering called Ebullience by Caryn Mitchell, Calliope Design Inc.